DoIT Calendar of Events: April, 2008
DoIT Calendar of Events: April, 2008
-On-Campus Activities-
The Legal Environment of Postsecondary On-line Learning: Accessibility
• Date: April 09, 2008
• Time: 1:00 – 2:00 PM
• Location: F-124 (Harper College Library: Lower Level)
• Cost: Free
• Presenter: Kevin Crow Ed.D.
This session will focus on the implications of current federal disability laws regarding the practice of on-line teaching and learning in US colleges and universities. Special attention is focused on the how Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Sections 504 and 508 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Telecommunications Act of 1996 and the Assistive Technology Act of 1998 affect on-line postsecondary learning in the United States.
For more information please contact Dr. Kevin Crow at (847) 925-6719 or at
Reservations are not required.
Best Practices for Web Development (Part One: Introduction to XHTML)
• Date: April 16, 2008
• Time: 1:00 – 2:00 PM
• Location: F-124 (Harper College Library: Lower Level)
• Cost: Free
• Presenters: Chris Dobson, Kevin Crow
This discussion will focus on building high-quality learning web pages using XHTML. Special emphasis will be placed on the advantages of using XHTML over standard HTML for building web-based learning environments. Additionally, current standards for accessible web-based learning environments will be addressed.
For more information please contact Dr. Kevin Crow at (847) 925-6719 or at
Reservations are not required.
Blackboard Users Group (BUG)
• Date: April 17, 2008
• Time: 1:00 – 2:00 PM
• Location: F-124 (Harper College Library: Lower Level)
• Cost: Free
• Presenter: Karen Quattrocchi
Come join us in an informal setting as Blackboard users share tips on how to use the Discussion Board in Blackboard 7.3. Karen Quattrocchi will have demonstrations to share with you; however, you will also be given ample opportunity to ask questions and share how you use the Discussion Board in your course or courses.
This discussion is open to Harper College faculty or staff member who has a uses (or would like to use) Blackboard.
For more information please contact Karen Quattrocchi at (847) 925-66586 or at
Reservations are not required.
Best Practices for Web Development (Part Two: Tools)
• Date: April 23, 2008
• Time: 1:00 – 2:00 PM
• Location: F-124 (Harper College Library: Lower Level)
• Cost: Free
• Presenters: Chris Dobson; Kevin Crow
This session will introduce participants to free accessibility tools that are available for Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. Participants will also be introduced to several W3C web-accessibility valadators and the Functional Accessibility Evaluator (FAE) that is available from the University of Illinois.
For more information please contact Dr. Kevin Crow at (847) 925-6719 or at
Reservations are not required.
Elluminate Calendar
If you would like to use Elluminate, please remember to check the session calendar before requesting your dates and times. We are limited to 30 seats, and, Elluminate is becoming more popular each semester. The link to the Elluminate calendar is:
Elluminate is a real-time virtual classroom environment designed for distance education and collaboration in academic institutions. Elluminate is often used to extend the physical boundaries of your traditional classroom, add live discussion and dynamic interaction to asynchronous distance learning, and provide a real-time forum for the facilitation of meetings and collaborative-learning projects.
For additional information regarding Elluminate, Please contact Matt Ensenberger at (847) 925-6933. Email:
-Off-Campus Opportunities-
Blended Learning and Higher Education Seminar (Sponsored by SLOAN-C)
Is your institution looking to blended learning as a means for achieving its mission and goals? Are you facing problems such as time to degree, limited classroom space, instructional resources for which you feel that blended learning may be the solution? Are you, as a faculty member or instructional designer, looking to blending as a means for enhancing teaching and learning? These issues and opportunities are bringing educators from all over the world together with the common goal of blending with a purpose.
• Date: April 6-8, 2008
• Location: University of Illinois at Chicago
• Cost: $595 (discount for premium members)
• Registration:
Note: Please contact Sarah Stark at (847) 925-6805 or at before registering for this event. You may be entitled to receive a fee reduction or waiver from DoIT.)
Tips and Tricks for Teaching Math Online Audioconference (Sponsored by ITC)
Whether you are experienced or just getting started, the presenter will offer advice on how to increase retention, provide a sense of community, produce your own instructional material, pick a course management system, manage assignments, group work, and testing, and other techniques for successfully teaching mathematics online.
• Date: April 8, 2008
• Time: 1:00 - 2:00PM
• Location: Your computer and telephone
• Cost: $25 (ITC members, $50 non-members)
• Registration: email
Note: Please contact Sarah Stark at (847) 925-6805 or at before registering for this event. You may be entitled to receive a fee reduction or waiver from DoIT.)
Accommodating Students with Disabilities: Leveraging that Online Learning Environment Online Seminar (Sponsored by SLOAN-C)
Think accommodations for students are covered in an accessible course platform? Think again! Online only institutions may not realize the legal mandates that obligate them to provide necessary support to students with disabilities, and if they DO understand their responsibilities, they may not have a clear picture of how to fulfill the obligation. Traditional institutions of higher education that are making significant commitments to newly-constituted online programs do not understand why their existing disability services unit cannot absorb the need for serving students with disabilities using established policies and procedures. Whichever your setting, the need is significant, the legal mandates are clear…and the information is scarce! This workshop provides information to assist you in serving this often ignored population.
• Date: April 9-18, 2008
• Location: Your computer
• Cost: $295 ($145 for premium members)
• Registration:
Note: Please contact Sarah Stark at (847) 925-6805 or at before registering for this event. You may be entitled to receive a fee reduction or waiver from DoIT.)
113th Annual Meeting of the Higher Learning Commission (Sponsored by the Higher Learning Commission)
Attend multiple seminars and workshops based on varying topics that span education, including outcomes, assessment, and evaluation.
• Date: April 11-15, 2008
• Location: Chicago, Illinois
• Cost: $315 ($210 for one day only)
• Registration:
Note: Please contact Sarah Stark at (847) 925-6805 or at before registering for this event. You may be entitled to receive a fee reduction or waiver from DoIT.)
Advanced Techniques with Podcasting for Educators Online Seminar (Sponsored by SLOAN-C)
Many educators know a couple, some practice three or four, but this unique workshop experience reveals practical tips to making your podcast a dominate force in your online classroom. The facilitators will walk you through podcasting essentials and help you establish pedagogical linkages. Content is tightly focused on engaging the online learner, so bring your questions as this workshop is designed to be interactive in nature. Prerequisite: Podcasting in Higher Education: Current Trends and Applications.
• Date: April 16-25, 2008
• Location: Your computer
• Cost: $295 ($145 for premium members)
• Registration:
Note: Please contact Sarah Stark at (847) 925-6805 or at before registering for this event. You may be entitled to receive a fee reduction or waiver from DoIT.)
Course Design Bootcamp Audioconference (Sponsored by ITC)
The presenter will illuminate the process of creating an eight-week course development training "boot camp" to give faculty the knowledge and skills to prepare online, hybrid, or Web-supported courses. She will explain the process for determining course content, the research, and theory behind the training's learning objectives, the actual modules delivered faculty feedback from the training, and the actual course materials that were developed. Distance learning administrators, faculty development trainers, and faculty can modify the training to meet the needs of their constituents.
• Date: April 22, 2008
• Time: 1:00 - 2:00PM
• Location: Your computer and telephone
• Cost: $25 (ITC members, $50 non-members)
• Registration: email
Getting Started: Online Course Development Basics Online Seminar (Sponsored by SLOAN-C)
Based on research and the Sloan-C effective practices, this workshop provides the foundation for designing and delivering online courses. Faculty gain enhanced pedagogical knowledge and learn effective strategies for creative, online classroom facilitation.
• Date: April 23-May 16, 2008
• Location: Your computer
• Cost: $295 ($145 for premium members)
• Registration:
Note: Please contact Sarah Stark at (847) 925-6805 or at before registering for this event. You may be entitled to receive a fee reduction or waiver from DoIT.)
Blogs and Wikis in an Integrated Curriculum Webinar (Sponsored by Ohio Learning Network)
Wikis and blogs can be powerful tools for collaboration and information work. How to integrate these tools into the classroom can be a daunting challenge for any educator. This presentation will show you how to incorporate wikis and blogs as a vital part of the course's learning goals and objectives by sharing ideas for course construction and sample assignments. In addition, the presentation will end with nuts and bolts feature offering practical tips and advice, like which software may work best, how to harness existing CMS technologies, and what to do if you're technology "inexperienced".
• Date: April 24, 2008
• Time: 11:00AM-12:00PM
• Location: Your computer
• Cost: free
• Registration:
Note: Please contact Sarah Stark at (847) 925-6805 or at before registering for this event. You may be entitled to receive a fee reduction or waiver from DoIT.)
Advanced Teaching Online: Online Seminar (Sponsored by LERN)
The online course is geared for any faculty member or person interested in teaching online, regardless of the subject you are teaching. The online course is relevant as well for those already teaching a course on the Internet. The course is oriented both towards distance learning where all your students are at a distance, and campus or classroom classes in which students and teacher also meet in person. If part of your course takes place in the classroom, we will be discussing how teaching online can be integrated into the classroom setting.
• Date: April 28-May 2, 2008
• Location: Your computer
• Cost: $145
• Registration:
Note: Please contact Sarah Stark at (847) 925-6805 or at before registering for this event. You may be entitled to receive a fee reduction or waiver from DoIT.)
Designing Online Instruction Online Seminar (Sponsored by LERN)
The topics included in this online course include: models of web courses, phases of design and development, team vs. individual approach to development, creating an interactive environment, managing interaction, motivating student-student interaction, and much more.
• Date: May 5-9, 2008
• Location: Your computer
• Cost: $145
• Registration:
Note: Please contact Sarah Stark at (847) 925-6805 or at before registering for this event. You may be entitled to receive a fee reduction or waiver from DoIT.)