DoIT Calendar of Events: July, 2008
DoIT Calendar of Events: July, 2008
--On-Campus Activities--
Blackboard Users Group (BUG)
Date: Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Time: 1:00 PM
Location: F-124 (Library Lower-Level)
Cost: Free
Presenter: Karen Herold
Come join us in an informal setting as Blackboard users share tips on how to use Blackboard 7.3. Karen will have demonstrations to share with you; however, you will also be given ample opportunity to ask questions and share how you use the Discussion Board in your course or courses.
This discussion is open to any Harper College faculty or staff member who uses (or would like to use) Blackboard.
For more information please contact Karen Herold: (847-925-6596 email:
Elluminate is a real-time virtual classroom environment designed for distance education and collaboration in academic institutions. Elluminate is often used to extend the physical boundaries of your traditional classroom, add live discussion and dynamic interaction to asynchronous distance learning, and provide a real-time forum for the facilitation of meetings and collaborative-learning projects.
If you would like to use Elluminate, please remember to check the session calendar before requesting your dates and times. We are limited to 30 seats, and, Elluminate is becoming more popular each semester. The link to the Elluminate calendar is:
For additional information regarding Elluminate, Please contact Matt Ensenberger at (847) 925-6933. Email:
--Off-Campus Activities--
Workload Management Strategies for Online Educators (sponsored by SLOAN-C)
Date: July 9 - July 18
Location: Your Computer
Cost:: $295 Each
Individual/Premium Sloan-C Member price: $145 with coupon code
Instructors need to develop new time management skills when transitioning to online teaching. Online teaching can redefine faculty members’ teaching schedules. While the advantages for participating in online education include flexibility; the reality of the 24/7 classroom can prove daunting due to the investment in curriculum development and planning as well as the need to be responsive to student inquiries. This workshop offers strategies enabling online educators to manage time demands while teaching online courses. Topics include: course planning, information presentation, frequency of interaction, and scheduling.
*This workshop is part of the Select Series and College Pass Members must use their additional 50 seats provided to take advantage of this workshop.
More information at:
Note: Please contact Sarah Stark at (847) 925-6805 or at before registering for this event. You may be entitled to receive a fee reduction or waiver from DoIT.)
Using Moodle to Create Online Courses
Date: July 9 - July 18
Location: Your Computer
Cost: $295 Each Individual/Premium Sloan-C Member price: $145 with coupon code
Instructors need to develop new time management skills when transitioning to online teaching. Online teaching can redefine faculty members’ teaching schedules. While the advantages for participating in online education include flexibility; the reality of the 24/7 classroom can prove daunting due to the investment in curriculum development and planning as well as the need to be responsive to student inquiries. This workshop offers strategies enabling online educators to manage time demands while teaching online courses. Topics include: course planning, information presentation, frequency of interaction, and scheduling.
More information at:
Note: Please contact Sarah Stark at (847) 925-6805 or at before registering for this event. You may be entitled to receive a fee reduction or waiver from DoIT.)
Course Content in Alternative Modes Hybrid Workshop on Emerging Technologies
Dates: July 16 (1:30-3:00 PM CDT)
July 30 (1:30-3:00 PM CDT)
August 06 (1:30-3:00 PM CDT)
Location: Your Computer or in East Peoria Illinois
Cost: Free to all Illinois Community College Faculty and Staff.
This hybrid (asynchronous/synchronous) workshop will provide opportunities for community college faculty to improve teaching and
learning processes by experiencing, understanding and employing new technologies to design and deliver course content in alternative ways, including but not limited to audio and video, blogs, social networking, web conferencing and virtual worlds. This workshop will be delivered in a hybrid format through asynchronous (web pages and discussion forum) and synchronous (in-person or voice/ text chat). All participants will create a portfolio page of projects produced during the workshop. More information can be found at
This workshop presented by Illinois Central College and Illinois Community College Faculty Association.
Academic Integrity in Online Education (sponsored by SLOAN-C)
Date: July 16 - July 25
Location: Your Computer
Cost: $295 Each Individual/Premium Sloan-C Member price: $145 with coupon code. Individual/Premium Sloan-C Member price: $145 with coupon code.
The role of technology in academic dishonesty is in the news, and federal legislation is pending that will require authentication of online learners. This session will provide information, examples, and a reality check for staff and faculty working in online education. Participants will explore why and how students cheat, faculty beliefs regarding cheating and online education, and tools and techniques to deter and detect cheating and plagiarism. The emphasis will be on a three-prong approach to addressing academic integrity: policing (catching and punishing cheaters), prevention (designing courses and assignments that discourage cheating), and virtue (creating learning communities in which students do not want to cheat). Current projects focusing on student authentication will be reviewed, and issues surrounding student authentication will be discussed.
*This workshop is part of the Select Series and College Pass Members must use their additional 50 seats provided to take advantage of this workshop.
More information:
Note: Please contact Sarah Stark at (847) 925-6805 or at before registering for this event. You may be entitled to receive a fee reduction or waiver from DoIT.)
Elearning DevCon 2008
Date: July 14 – 16, 2008
Location Salt Lake City
Cost: $954 (Includes Conference, All meals, and Lodging)
This conference is designed specifically for e-learning developers. Learn the “get-it-done” tricks of the trade from people who have the experience. Also, network with other developers and share ideas on code, design tips, and authoring tools. You also want some topics on instructional design techniques, prototyping, usability testing, project management and more. Learn what tools and concepts are new and coming up next such as Learning 2.0, wikis, blogs, and mobile learning. Conference participants range from novice to expert. More information is available at
AHEAD 2008 Conference
Date: July 14 – 19, 2008
Location: Reno Nevada
Cost: $495 –to- $645
Association on Higher Education and Disabilities annual conference. More information is available at
Campus Technology 2008 15th Annual Summer Conference
Date: July 28 – 31
Place: Boston, Massachusetts
Cost: $599
This year's conference offers a blueprint for adapting to the new demands of Web 2.0 teaching and learning, both in and out of the classroom, and explores how educators are coping with the ever-increasing demands on their resources, skills and time. You'll come away armed with tricks, tips and techniques to survive and thrive in the "Next Gen" educational environment. More information is available at
--On the Horizon--
24th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching & Learning
Date: August 5-8, 2008
Place: Madison, Wisconsin
Cost: $420 ($470 after July 16) Note: Wednesday FULL-Day Workshops are available for $160.00 (Add $25 per workshop if ONLY attending workshop and not conference.) $175.00 after July 16.
The Annual Conference on Distance Teaching & Learning is recognized internationally for the quality and integrity of its program. Each year the conference provides an exchange of current resources, research, and best practices from around the world that are relevant to the design and delivery of distance education/training.
More Information:
Note: Please contact Sarah Stark at (847) 925-6805 or at before registering for this event. You may be entitled to receive a fee reduction or waiver from DoIT.)
Blackboard Users Group (BUG)
Date: Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Time: 1:00 PM
Location: F-124 (Library Lower-Level)
Cost: Free
Come join us in an informal setting as Blackboard users share tips on how to use Blackboard 7.3. Karen Herold will have demonstrations to share with you; however, you will also be given ample opportunity to ask questions and share how you use the Discussion Board in your course or courses.
This discussion is open to Harper College faculty or staff member who has a uses (or would like to use) Blackboard.
For more information please contact Karen Herold: (847-925-6596 email:
Merlot International Conference
Date: August 07 – 10, 2008
Location: Minneapolis
Cost: $350 (Partner); $530 (Nonpartner)
The MERLOT International Conference (MIC) provides numerous opportunities to share, learn, and participate in conversations about teaching and learning with technology from experts and MERLOT users from around the world. More information is available at
International Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education
Date: August 13 – 15, 2008
Location: Vienna, Austria
Cost: 250 Euro (listeners), 500 Euro (Authors)
The International Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education (OLDE 2008) claims to be the premier forum for the presentation of technological advances and research results in the fields of theoretical, experimental, and applied Open Learning and Distance Education. The conference will bring together leading researchers, scientists and engineers in the domain of interest from around the world. More information is available at:
Best Practices of Web Development
Date: August 18, 2008
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Location: Harper College: F-124
Cost: Free
Review concepts and techniques considered by many developers to be the best practices of Web page development. Topics to be covered include document structure, page layouts, navigation, style sheets, standards, accessibility and more. An overview of key concepts, various techniques, related web resources, and handouts will be provided.
Optional Workshop for 0.2 CEU: Please call 847/925-6300 or register online: and register for LFD0308-001 by Thursday, August 14, 2008. Adjunct Faculty will receive a $50 stipend for completing a seminar activity. Note: This session can host only 8 participants.
CD-R: Preparing Your Online Course for a Design Review
Date: August 18, 2008
Time: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Location: Harper College: F-124
Cost: Free
This workshop focuses on three facets of the online course design review process. The facilitator will share why you may want to consider submitting your course for a design review, the procedure from start to finish when you do decide to participate in this initiative and a quick overview of the rubric that will be used for this review process. Time for questions and answers is included, and if time permits, participants will be able to use the rubric to compare their own online course designs with best practices.
Optional Workshop for 0.1 CEU: Please call 847/925-6300 or register online: and register for LFD1031-001 by Thursday, August 14, 2008. Adjunct Faculty will receive a $25 stipend for completing a seminar activity. Note: This session can host only 8 participants.
Creating Visual Content for iPods
Date: August 18, 2008
Time: 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Location: Harper College: F-124
Cost: Free
This presentation will introduce participants to basic concepts and practices that relate to the creation of learning materials and content that can be effectively delivered through portable electronic devices such as the iPod. Emphasis is placed on the appropriate use of text and visual design techniques. Participants will be shown how Microsoft PowerPoint and Camtasia Studio 4 can be utilized to create a short educational presentation that can be uploaded to the Internet for distribution to portable video devices such as the iPod.
Optional Workshop for 0.3 CEU: Please call 847/925-6300 or register online: and register for LFD1034-001 by Thursday, August 14, 2008. Adjunct Faculty will receive a $75 stipend for completing a seminar activity. Note: This session can host only 8 participants.
Introduction to Podcasting—Part 1
Date: August 19, 2008
Time: 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Location: Harper College: F-124
Cost: Free
Podcasts offer an alternative for delivering course materials to students using technology they are familiar with and consider very friendly. Content might include lectures, content sidebars and/or factoids, and other communication that will add to or enhance the student's learning experience.
This 2-part workshop provides an overview of podcasting and then lets you write, record, edit and polish your podcast, convert it to an .mp3 file and distribute it in the iTunes Store using RSS syndication. Participants will become familiar with simple recording techniques and the software needed to add this popular form of communication to their cache of instructional tools.
Registration is required: Contact the DoIT Office at 847.925.6586 to reserve your seat.
Hands-On Podcasting—Part 2 will be on Thursday, August 21, 1:30-4:30 p.m.
Date: August 21, 2008
Time: 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Location: Harper College: F-127
Cost: Free
Research in on-line education indicates that the lack of immediacy between teacher and student is one of the greatest challenges to student success in the on-line environment. In this session, instructors will learn how to create “e-mmediacy”. Through the use of home pages, video messages, phone calls, personalized comments, video lectures and audio lectures teachers can “make up” for the immediacy deficit in online courses.
Registration required: Contact the DoIT Office at 847.925.6586 to reserve your seat.
Blackboard for Your Classes—On Campus or Online
Date: August 21, 2008
Time: 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Location: Harper College: F-124
Cost: Free
Come learn how using Blackboard can help your students become more responsible for their course materials, how you can reduce printing costs, and how to get started with your own Blackboard site! Take a tour of Blackboard in this demonstration session to find out if Blackboard is for you.
Hands-On Podcasting—Part 2
Date: August 21, 2008
Time: 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Location: Harper College: F-124
Cost: Free
Part 2 of this workshop continues Part 1 (the overview of podcasting and writing, recording, editing and polishing your podcast, converting it to an .mp3 file and distributing it in the iTunes Store using RSS syndication). Participants will become familiar with simple recording techniques and the software needed to add this popular form of communication to their cache of instructional tools.
Prerequisite: Part 1 of this workshop Registration Required: Contact the DoIT Office at 847.925.6586 to reserve your seat.
Elluminate Live!
Date: August 21, 2008
Time: 7:00 p.m.– 8:00 p.m.
Location: Your computer
Cost: Free
Are you searching for a way to “meet” with your students synchronously (real-time) at a distance? If you are, Elluminate Live may be just the application for you! This one-hour workshop will introduce you to the basic tools available in Elluminate Live. Experience this Web-based application to have live voice conversations with your students using the power of Voice Over IP (VOIP).
It is recommended that participants have a DSL, cable modem, or other high-speed connection to attend this session. You will also need speakers/headphones that are connected to your computer. A microphone will allow you to speak to others in the meeting, but is not necessary. Participants will be notified via email how to access this session. Facilitator: Matt Ensenberger, DoIT.
Registration Required: Contact the DoIT Office at 847.925.6586 to reserve your seat. Note: This session can host only 9 participants.
Blackboard for Your Classes—On Campus or Online
Date: August 22, 2008
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
Location: Harper College: F-124
Cost: Free
Come learn how using Blackboard can help your students become more responsible for their course materials, how you can reduce printing costs, and how to get started with your own Blackboard site! Take a tour of Blackboard in this demonstration session to find out if Blackboard is for you.
Tools for You!
Date: August 22, 2008
Time: 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Location: Harper College: F-124
Cost: Free
Looking for a short list of ways to add more interactivity to your course materials? Drop in to this session to receive a list of DoIT’s “Top Ten Tools,” share your thoughts about what kinds of things you would like to do in your campus and/or distance courses and leave with a starting point for making those ideas become real.
Registration required: Contact the DoIT Office at 847.925.6586 to reserve your seat.
Copyright (TEACH Act)
Date: August 22, 2008
Time: 1:15 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Location: Harper College: F-231
Cost: Free
Do you use Blackboard or a personal Web site to provide learning materials for your students? If so, an awareness of current copyright law is very important for your own protection. Join us as we cover the following topics via case review, "you decide" scenarios, and information sharing:
1. Fair Use - when can I use it?
2. the TEACH Act - protect yourself in the online environment
3. available resources for your use
4. online tutorials that answer many often-asked questions
Registration required: Contact the DoIT Office at 847.925.6586 to reserve your seat.
For more information regarding DoIT Activities please contact Dr. Kevin Crow at (847) 925-6719 or at
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