Thursday, January 31, 2008

DoIT Calendar of Events: February, 2008

DoIT Calendar of Events: February, 2008

-On-Campus Activities-

Utilizing Problem-Based Learning in Online and Blended Learning Environments
Kevin Crow Ed.D.
• Date: February 21, 2008
• Time: 2:00 – 2:45 PM
• Location: F-124 (Harper College Library: Lower Level)
• Cost: Free

Problem-based learning (PBL) is an instructional approach in which learners are given ill-structured real-world problems to be solved using systematic student-centered research processes. Students generally engage the problem-based learning process by participating in small collaborative learning groups. Problem-based learning instructors do not supply learners with answers; rather, they serve as learning resource facilitators and problem designers. Principle outcomes associated with the problem-based learning approach are (1) the acquisition of an extensive, integrated knowledge base, (2) the acquisition of a knowledge base that can be easily recalled and applied in real-world settings, (3) the development of a set of problem solving skills that can be readily applied to real-world practice, (4) the development of life-long self-learning skills, and (5) the ability to become a team player.

Join Dr. Kevin Crow from the Harper College Department of Instructional Technology (DoIT) as he discusses the principles of Problem-Based Learning and how PBL is currently being used in colleges and universities around the world to "teach" subjects such as architecture, business, economics, engineering, law, social sciences, and public education. Emphasis will be placed on the feasibility of utilizing PBL in online and blended learning environments.

For more information please contact Dr. Kevin Crow at (847) 925-6719 or at
Reservations are not required.

Collaboration in the Virtual Classroom
Terry Morris
• Date: February 26, 2008
• Time: 3:00 – 3:45 PM
• Location: F-124 (Harper College Library: Lower Level)
• Cost: Free

One of the advantages of distance education is that learning occurs anytime and anywhere. However, sometimes even online students want to collaborate in real time. This session describes an enthusiastic group of students who used the Elluminate, Virtual Classroom to collaborate on WebQuest activities, how the instructor introduced and supported their collaboration, student reactions, and some ideas for future uses. Faculty who are considering incorporating synchronous group activities using a virtual classroom or chat room will find useful tips and suggestions in this session.

For more information please contact Dr. Kevin Crow at (847) 925-6719 or at
Reservations are not required.

Elluminate Calendar
If you would like to use Elluminate, please remember to check the session calendar before requesting your dates and times. We have a limited number of seats, and each semester Elluminate is becoming more and more popular. The link to the calendar is:

For additional information regarding Elluminate, Please call Matt Ensenberger at (847) 925-6933. Email:

-Off-Campus Opportunities-

What’s In a Lab? Online Science Laboratories Audioconference (sponsored by ITC)
The presenter will look at how we define a science laboratory experience and the options for putting that experience at a distance. She will describe the pilot of a PHY 103 Concepts in Physics Lab that is offered online. She will also discuss the positives and negatives from that experience, the changes she made in response, and some innovative software that was used in the project. Date: February 5, 2008
• Time: 1:00 - 2:00PM
• Location: Your computer and telephone
• Cost: $25.00. Please contact Sarah Stark at (847) 925-6805 before registering for this workshop. You may be entitled to receive a fee reduction or waiver from DoIT.
• Registration: email

Trends in E-Learning – Results from ITC’s Survey on Distance Education Audioconference (Sponsored by ITC)
The rapidly changing face of distance education has been captured each year in the ITC annual national distance education survey. In this fourth year of the survey, significant trends have started to emerge in the data collected. The presenter will review the major results of the survey, explore trends, and discuss the relevance of the data for distance education programs, faculty and administrators. Topics will include: most significant challenges for distance education administrators, faculty and students, trends in services offered for virtual students, the pace of growth in enrollments and trends in key policy and practice areas.
• Date: February 12, 2008
• Time: 1:00 - 2:00PM
• Location: Your computer and telephone
• Cost: $25.00. Please contact Sarah Stark at (847) 925-6805 before registering for this workshop. You may be entitled to receive a fee reduction or waiver from DoIT.
• Registration: email

Illinois Online Conference (IOC) for Teaching and Learning (sponsored by ILCCO, ION and IVC)
The 2008 Online Conference for Teaching and Learning features keynotes, presentations and discussions based on the topics of: Innovation, Technology, Leadership, Teaching and Learning, Current Issues in Illinois Education. This conference is held entirely on the Internet using: email, the Web, synchronous chats, discussion areas, and other Internet technologies. This premier online conference was created to focus on issues and concerns of K-20 classroom faculty and related technology support, learning resources, student services, and workforce development trainers.
• Date: February 13-15, 2008
• Location: Your computer
• Cost: $125.00. Please contact Sarah Stark at (847) 925-6805 before registering for this workshop. You may be entitled to receive a fee reduction or waiver from DoIT.
• Registration: (Note: support)

Reverse Benefits – How Teaching Online Improves Face to Face Teaching Webinar
(sponsored by Ohio Learning Network)
Teaching online requires faculty to rethink and adjust both content and teaching methodology. Faculty discussions about these changes can be productive faculty development opportunities. They provide a starting point to foreground and explore assumptions about good teaching and appropriate academic experiences in all environments.
• Date: February 14, 2008
• Time: 12:00 - 1:00PM
• Location: Your computer
• Cost: free
• Registration:

Sloan-C 2008 Online Workshop Listing

Contact: Sarah Stark (847) 925-6805 or

Cost: Varies with workshop. Please contact Sarah Stark at (847) 925-6805 before registering for a Sloan-C workshop. You may be entitled to receive a fee reduction or waiver from DoIT.

Elluminati (Elluminate Training)
· Date: February 20, 2008
· Time: 2:00 PM EST
Our first session for 2008 will be on February 21 at 2pm Eastern and will be hosted by Amanda Reed, Elluminate's training manager. The topic of the session is "Ten Habits Of Highly Effective Online Moderators...and Beyond". In this session, we'll discuss ten tips guaranteed to make your online sessions more effective and to make you a better moderator. Through interactive discussion, we'll share additional tips, tricks, and real-life experiences. Come prepared to share!

I hope you will continue to attend these very valuable monthly meetings! Go to to register for this session.

For further information please contact Sarah Stark at (847) 925-6719 or at