DoIT's January Events
Event 1: Coping with Student Incivilities in the Online Environment (sponsored by the Instructional Technology Council)
- Date: January 9, 2007
- Time: 1:00-2:00PM
- Location: Your computer and telephone
- Cost: $25.00
- Registration: contact Sarah Stark DoIT Director, at 847.925.6805 before the event for registration and support for event cost)
This program explores student behavior, but the emphasis is not on the student. Rather, it is on how we as educators can best approach difficult behavioral situations. In the online environment these incivilities can be especially severe, because some students choose to write extremely
inappropriate statements that they most likely would never say to a classmate or instructor in-person. What proactive strategies will reduce the occurrence of incivilities in the first place? And when incivilities do surface, what tactics minimize their negative impact on the class.
Discussion topics will include: student, faculty, and institutional factors influencing incivilities, proactive strategies for minimizing the incidence of incivilities before they occur, strategies for dealing with incivilities after they occur, reflective listening techniques, emotional impact of uncivil behaviors, and, increasing awareness on campus.
Event 2: Technologies, Timesavers and Tips (sponsored by DoIT)
- Date: January 10, 2007
- Time: 2:45-4:00PM
- Location: F124
- Cost: Free
- Registration: none required
Join us for this potpourri session where you can learn more about hardware, software, course material development and a tool to review your online course design. DoIT staff will be available to schedule individual sessions for more in-depth discussion based on your interests and needs.
Event 3: Instructional Design: Where to Begin (sponsored by the Illinois Online Network)
- Date: January 11, 2007
- Time: 2:00-3:00PM
- Location: Your computer
- Cost: Free
- Registration: visit (Note: You must be logged in to MyION to register) or contact Kevin Johnson at for more information.
Attend this workshop to learn more about the beginning steps to Instructional Design. In this workshop, we will discuss strategies for designing a new course using outlining and mind mapping skills. We will also provide a few example outlines and an overview of technology tools that may help in the brainstorming process. Finally, we will hold a raffle at the end for a great prize, but you must be present to win!
Event 4: Learn How to Record Anything From Your Computer Monitor to Create Course Materials Using Camtasia (sponsored by DoIT)
- Date: January 11, 2007
- Time: 3:00-4:00PM
- Location: F124
- Cost: Free
- Registration: none required
Camtasia Studio software is a video recording/editing/production application that gives you the power to record mouse movements on your monitor screen, PowerPoint presentations, voice and Web camera video. Come see a demonstration of how you can create dynamic tutorials and presentations for the Web and CD-ROM delivery.
Event 5: Introduction to Blackboard (sponsored by DoIT)
- Date: January 11, 2007
- Time: 3:00-4:00PM
- Location: Y203g
- Cost: Free
- Registration: none required
Climb on board and take a tour of Blackboard, Harper's electronic course management system. Get an overview of the tools that can be used to support an on-campus class as well as to deliver a course entirely online. Participants are encouraged to ask questions about Blackboard's use in current Harper courses and will have the opportunity to request setup of individual sites as well.
Event 6: Teach "Live" at a Distance with Elluminate (sponsored by DoIT)
- Date: January 11, 2007
- Time: 7:00-8:00PM
- Location: Your home computer
- Cost: Free
- Registration: Contact Fran Hendrickson at 847.925.6586 to reserve your seat
Are you searching for a way to "meet" with your students synchronously (real-time) at a distance? If you are, Elluminate may be just the application for you! This workshop will introduce you to the basic tools available in Elluminate. Experience this Web-based application to have live voice conversations with your students using the power of Voice Over IP (VOIP). Note: It is recommended that participants have a DSL, cable modem, or other high-speed Internet connection to attend this session. You will also need speakers/headphones that are connected to your computer. A microphone will allow you to speak to others in the meeting, but it is not necessary. Participants will be notified via email how to access this session.
Event 7: Recycling Your Blackboard Course Site (sponsored by DoIT)
- Date: January 12, 2007
- Time: 9:00-9:30AM or 9:30-10:00AM
- Location: F124
- Cost: Free
- Registration: none required
Anyone who has a current Blackboard course should consider attending one of these recurring show-and-tell sessions to learn how to reuse your site each semester. This process is easy and helps to keep our very full Blackboard server running more smoothly. Time for questions will be provided during this session.
Event 8: Course Management System Review Initiative (sponsored by DoIT)
- Date: January 12, 2007
- Time: 10:30-11:30AM
- Location: Y203g
- Cost: Free
- Registration: none required
With the continued growth in the use of Blackboard for both on-campus and online courses, available server space is dwindling rapidly. Attend this session to learn more about what popular course management systems are being used and indicate your interest in exploring them more in-depth throughout the spring semester.
Event 9: Teach "Live" at a Distance with Elluminate (sponsored by DoIT)
- Date: January 12, 2007
- Time: 10:30-11:30AM
- Location: F124
- Cost: Free
- Registration: Contact Fran Hendrickson at 847.925.6586 to reserve your seat
Are you searching for a way to "meet" with your students synchronously (real-time) at a distance? If you are, Elluminate may be just the application for you! This workshop will introduce you to the basic tools available in Elluminate. Experience this Web-based application to have live voice conversations with your students using the power of Voice Over IP (VOIP). Note: It is recommended that participants have a DSL, cable modem, or other high-speed Internet connection to attend this session. You will also need speakers/headphones that are connected to your computer. A microphone will allow you to speak to others in the meeting, but it is not necessary. Participants will be notified via email how to access this session.
Event 10: Reducing Math Anxiety in an Online Classroom (sponsored by the Instructional Technology Council)
- Date: January 23, 2007
- Time: 1:00-2:00PM
- Location: Your computer and telephone
- Cost: $25.00
- Registration: contact Sarah Stark DoIT Director, at 847.925.6805 before the event for registration and support for event cost)
Some math-anxious students choose a distance education format to avoid some of the negative experiences they expect with traditional classes. This may be their greatest educational experience or their worst nightmare. Often students do not choose a delivery format based on the best match for their learning style. They choose a format for convenience or because their life circumstances will not allow other choices. When this is the case, we need to help students adapt to distance learning. John Beyers will discuss the cumulative experiences of more than 100 faculty and thousands of students in online math classrooms over several years. His presentation is based in part on an online workshop some leading experts at the University of Maryland University College developed called “Reducing Math Anxiety.”
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