Thursday, February 09, 2006

Learning Opportunities brought to you by DoIT

Fellow Faculty,
Have you wanted to utilize the "blackboard/whiteboard"during a PowerPoint presentation to jot down student responses or thoughts? We have all found it difficult to keep raising the screen, writing on the board, and then lowering the screen again.

DoIT offers a solution you'll like:On Wednesday, Feb. 15th at 12:15 OR Thursday, Feb.16th at 12:30, we will hold a 20-minute session toshow you how you can do this very simply. We will meet in F 124. Another side-benefit: The notes you enter can be saved into your PowerPoint presentation. No more stayingafter class to write down the contents of theblackboard.

On Thursday, Feb. 16th, starting at 11:00 am, we willconduct a 45-minute session on using PowerPoint in aninteractive manner.

Just imagine: PowerPoint CAN be used in an active learning environment!